October 15, 2008

Another reason to love Pumpkins!

Are you sitting down? Good! Now let me pre-warn you that what I'm about to share with you might possibly become an addiction. One of those things that sits in your fridge, looking all innocent and cute... but it's devilish qualities will call out to you in the middle of the night....

"Mommy Sunshine, come to me. Eat me. Dip your graham crackers in me while you sit in a sleepy stupor at your kitchen table, with only the light from the open fridge door to keep you company! Run out of crackers? That's perfectly fine! Just stick your finger in my gooey goodness and act like it's your first birthday and I'm your first taste of icing. Yes. I'm that good."

Okay. Consider yourselves warned! You can see from the picture above how innocent this little thing is...

What we're making today is PUMPKIN COOKIE DIP! mmmmmm I just got chills thinking of it!

What you need:

29-oz. can pumpkin pie filling
4 c. powdered sugar
2 8-oz. pkgs. cream cheese - softened
2 t. cinnamon
1 t. ground ginger
gingerbread cookies or graham crackers

Combine pumpkin, sugar and cream cheese in a serving bowl. Mix well: Stir in cinnamon (I usually add a little more because I love it) and ginger.

Yup! That's it!

Now, you can either leave it in the bowl that you mixed it in, or transfer it to another bowl (helps with the "pretty" factor) or, if you're an overachiever like me, you'll want to do this:

Find a cute medium sized pumpkin and cut the top off in a jagged zig zag pattern. Clean out the innards completely, and fill the pumpkin with the dip! Replace the lid and refrigerate until you're ready to serve it or take it out of the house.

My son's kindergarten class loved this so much that they've requested that I make it again this year for our 2008 Harvest Party! And the bonus is that this recipe makes more than enough for you to take a batch to school, and leave a batch at home!

If you look at the picture at the top, that's the pumpkin, filled with the dip, wearing the lid.

The finished product:

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