October 15, 2008

Monster Hands! Yummy and Spooky!

Ain't they just the cutest?.....er....um.... I mean "spookiest"?!?
I made these last Halloween for the kids in my son's class. At his school, Halloween isn't a focal point of celebration, so we have "Harvest Parties" instead. But, I couldn't bear the thought to let this idea go to waist! They're super easy to make and were a huge hit with all of the kids on my son's day to contribute snacks!

You'll need:

*A box of plastic food service gloves
(got mine at Sam's Club, and am not even close to seeing the bottom of the box!)
*A big ole bowl of freshly popped popcorn
(pre-popped would work just as well, I suppose, but you'd lose out on that awesome scent of burnt kernels throughout the air venting system in your house)
*A big bag of candy corn (don't eat them all before you make the Monster Hands, or you'll have to go back to the store to get more. I speak from experience.)
*A big bag of novelty spooky toys and spider rings and bugs, or whatever. (I suggest swishing these toys around in soap water and letting them dry thoroughly before using.)
* A handful of twisty ties (I "borrowed" a handful from our local grocery store's produce department. Hey! It's for the children!)

First, pop that popcorn! I'm not sure how much to tell you to make, because I do the stove-top popcorn in an old re-vamped pressure cooker, but I can say with all certainty that you just keep making it until you don't need to anymore! Don't forget to salt it! You could even add that yummy fake cheddar sprinkle stuff for an added kick.

Now, figure up how many kids you'll be making Monster Hands for. Count out that many bags, and put about 4-5 pieces of candy corn down into the fingers of all the gloves. These shall be the Monster Fingernails! Fill the rest of the fingers up with pieces of popcorn, and once all the digits are filled, you'll throw in a novelty toy here and there. Fill with more popcorn and then toss in another toy. Keep doing this to your heart's desire until you've gotten near the top. Don't fill the glove up entirely with popcorn, because we need some space to twist and tie without worry that the hands will fall open during transit.

Twist the glove and tie it closed, and VIOLA! Instant smiles from all who recieve them!

Optional treats to add with the popcorn: M&M's look like warts; Dried Apple chips; Sunflower seeds; Raisins; etc...etc...etc...


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